Tag Archives: relevant results

Twitter: Google integrating Google+ into regular search results is bad for people

Google faced a lot of opposition when it announced this Tuesday that they would be integrating Google+ into its local search results, most notably from Twitter. The micro-blogging company feels that news always breaks on twitter first and Google’s changes will make it harder for people to find information.

The complete statement by Twitter spokesman Matt Graves:

For years, people have relied on Google to deliver the most relevant results anytime they wanted to find something on the Internet.

Often, they want to know more about world events and breaking news. Twitter has emerged as a vital source of this real-time information, with more than 100 million users sending 250 million Tweets every day on virtually every topic. As we’ve seen time and time again, news breaks first on Twitter; as a result, Twitter accounts and Tweets are often the most relevant results.

We’re concerned that as a result of Google’s changes, finding this information will be much harder for everyone. We think that’s bad for people, publishers, news organizations and Twitter users.

Have you already started noticing changes in the search results when you are logged in? Let us know what you think of it in our comments.

Read the full article on mashable

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Posted by on January 11, 2012 in Feed Spot


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